Where can I buy SRT products?
Our products are sold mainly through our network of resellers. If you need help finding a reseller please contact us using the contact form.
What network subscription plan should I use in my SRT product?
It is optional which network operator you choose to use with your SRT device. However it is important that the plan you choose supports both voice communication and SMS. If you intend on letting your SRT device report over an IP channel, the operator plan have to support this as well. Normally our customers use IoT plans with voice communication and and at least 2-3 MB of data. Please also make sure that the SIM card you intend to use is not PIN code protected.
What emergency service centers can an SRT unit be connected to?
SRT’s alarms can be connected to all Swedish emergency service centers including Securitas, Avarn, Rapid, Stanley, Tempest Security, Lövestad Larmcentral and SOS Alarm.
Can I replace the battery in my SRT unit?
Yes, but all battery replacements should be performed by SRT since you have to open the device to access the battery. If your SRT unit needs a battery replacement please register your request through our product service form.
Alarm messages from my device do not reach the emergency service center, what should I do?
Make sure that the alarm is registered at your emergency service center with the correct phone and alarm number. Additionally, make sure that your alarm device is correctly configured, for example that it’s configured with the telephone number provided by your emergency service center.
My unit indicates the wrong position when I test the alarm, how can I fix it?
Take the device with you outside and stand under a clear sky until the GPS light starts flashing green. Then try testing the alarm once again.
My device is not working properly, what should I do?
If your SRT product is not working properly you should have it repaired. Register a reparation case using our product service form.
What is the margin of error in a GNSS-receiver?
The margin of error in a GNSS-receiver (e.g. GPS, GLONASS) is up to 50 meters. If you’re located in an urban environment with high buildings the margin of error can be larger. To get the best results you should be located outside in an open space and under a clear sky.
In what cases is is using IP communiction preferable?
If you want the unit to continuously report data – for example continuously updating you current position – there’s an advantage to using IP communication in terms of cost. IP communication is a cost efficient alternative to many other forms of wireless data transmission. SRT’s lone worker alarms support the use of both UDP/IP and TCP/IP communication. Many of our partnering emergency service centers support alarm reception through IP communication as well.
Lone worker alarms
What happens if my lone worker alarm enters an area without GSM coverage?
When GSM coverage is absent the lone worker alarms enters power saving mode to preserve battery. If the alarm button is pressed in this area the alarm message is generated and saved and as soon as the device gets GSM coverage again the alarm message is sent. It is possible to configure the lone worker alarm to prevent it from entering power saving mode and instead have it continuously search for a GSM network.
What size SIM cards do I use?
For SRT306/SRT326 you need to use mini SIM cards (2FF).
For SRT306i/SRT326i you need to use micro SIM cards (3FF).
How do I turn on my lone workeralarm?
SRT306/SRT326: Under the gray plastic flap on the side of the unit you will find an on/off switch. This switch should be pulled downwards to start the device. For further information please read the quick guides for SRT306 or SRT326.
SRT306i/SRT326i: The on/off button is on the front of the device. To start the device press and hold the button for 5 seconds and then wait until the LED’s on the front start blinking. For further information please read the quick guides for SRT306i or SRT326i.
How do I turn off my personal alarm?
SRT306/SRT326: Under the gray plastic flap on the side of the unit you will find an on/off switch. This switch should be pulled upwards to turn off the device. For further information please read the quick guides for SRT306 or SRT326.
SRT306i/SRT326i: The on/off button is on the front of the device. To turn off the device press and hold the button for 5 seconds and then wait until the LED’s on the front stop blinking. For further information please read the quick guides for SRT306i or SRT326i.
Why is my personal alarm beeping?
If your lone worker alarm is beeping this means one of two things: either the battery is running low or there is a SIM card problem. Please connect the device to a charger, make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly and isn’t PIN code protected.
How long does it take to charge my personal alarm?
SRT306/SRT306i: After using the device for 24 hours it takes around 4 hours to recharge the battery. If the battery is completely empty or it is the first time ever charging the device, you should charge the battery for 7 hours.
SRT326/SRT326i: After using the device for 24 hours it takes around 2 hours to recharge the battery. If the battery is completely empty or it is the first time ever charging the device, you should charge the battery for 4 hours.
What is the battery lifetime?
The battery lifetime varies depending on current conditions and device settings. If the device is continuously connected to the GSM network and acquires a new GNSS position every second (only applicable for SRT306/SRT306i), then the expected battery lifetime is:
- SRT306: 48 hours
- SRT306i: 48 hours
- SRT326: 96 hours
- SRT326i: 96 hours
What happens when I press the alarm button?
This varies depending on the device configuration. A common configuration is to have the device send an alarm message to an emergency service center via SMS or IP. Simultaneously the device makes a voice call to an emergency service center operator who can hear what is happening and, if necessary, send help to your position.
How do I send an alarm message?
You send an alarm by pressing and holding the alarm button. The time you need to hold the button changes depending on the current configuration, but for a standard configuration the detection time is 3 seconds. If you intend on sending a test alarm it is important to first notify your emergency service center.
Can I configure a personal alarm myself?
Yes, configuration of SRT’s lone worker alarms is possible through SMS or by connecting the device’s USB port to a computer and using our Personal alarm configurator software. Configuration can also be done through IP communication which can be preferable if you intend on having the device communicate with servers and want to achieve some level of automation.
What do the status LED’s indicate?
See the quick guide for your specific product for further information about the meaning of the status LED’s.
Alarm receivers
What size SIM card should I use?
All SRT alarm receivers require a mini SIM card.
What happens if the alarm receiver is installed in an area without GSM coverage?
If your alarm receiver is installed in an area without cellular network coverage you can install RF routers (SRT334i2) in the same area which enables alarms to be sent without the need for cellular networks.
Tracking & surveillance products
What happens if SRT278 enters an area without GSM coverage?
SRT278 does not support power saving mode and will continuously attempt to connect to a GSM network.
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